Unionize with the USW Local 1944, Canada’s Information and Communications Technology Union. We're here to support an improved workplace for you and your coworkers, every step of the way.


The United Steelworkers has a long and proud history of representing technicians and other skilled workers in diverse sectors like telecommunications, manufacturing, and higher education, just to name a few.   

Every year, thousands of workers choose to join the USW, using their voices to negotiate collective agreements that promote fair wages, safe workplaces, and equitable treatment.

Here are just a few places where you can find United Steelworkers Unionized Workers


  • These last few years have proven how vulnerable we are to inflation.

    News reports are full of stories about Union members standing together during negotiations, demanding that their wages don’t get left behind. Some Union Agreements even have clauses that include cost-of-living adjustments that automatically match spikes in inflation.

    According to data from Statistics Canada, Unionized workers typically earn about 10-15% more than their non-Unionized counterparts.

  • When employers look to cut costs, benefits are an all too common target. Our families rely on consistent benefits to navigate the ups and downs. If a benefit that was there yesterday suddenly disappears, it can be quite traumatic and leave us scrambling.

    Unionized employees often get better benefits like enhanced medical coverage, pensions, and paid leave. When protected by negotiated agreements, benefits cannot be cut on a whim by management.

  • Unionized workers are protected from arbitrary termination and discrimination, while collective agreements set fair limits on management's power to discipline, layoff, or alter working conditions.

  • Uniting as a collective voice, Union members exert more leverage with management than we can individually.

    Negotiating in this fashion commonly enshrines in our collective agreements clear expectations around overtime, predictable shift scheduling, and fair compensation for work that needs to be done outside of normal days or hours.

    A strong Union promotes building a workplace that supports a healthy work-life balance that increases job satisfaction and pride in your craft.

  • Together as a team, Union workers leverage collective representation to negotiate fair wages, safe conditions, and stronger job protections more effectively.

    Unions provide legal support and representation for workers facing excessive discipline, wrongful termination, harassment, and other legal issues.

Advantages of Forming a Union

  • Higher Wages

  • Job Security

  • Reliable Benefits

  • Improved Conditions

  • Collective Bargaining

  • Legal Representation

You deserve better.

What improvements could a Union make at your workplace?


  • Discuss Unionizing with your co-workers during non-working hours – on breaks, at lunch, before and after your shift.

    This includes:

    • Holding meetings to discuss the merits of Unionizing

    • Distributing informational Union materials outside of the workplace

    • Handing out and signing Union cards outside of working hours

    • Lodging a formal complaint against your employer with the help of the United Steelworkers Union if they have violated Canadian labour law

    • Voting in favour of forming a Union without employer interference

    • Remaining free from any employer interference regarding your decision to join a Union

    • Asking your opinion of the Union

    • Threatening Union supporters

    • Offering preferential treatment (such as raises or better hours) to those opposing the Union

    • Preventing employees from organizing a Union outside of work hours

    • Distributing anti-Union materials to influence employees’ decisions

    USW Local 1944 is always available to answer any questions about your rights. Contact a Union Organizer at any time. We are here to help.

What steps are necessary
to Unionize?

  • A Union Organizer will work with you to develop a plan of action to identify and communicate with your colleagues about how forming a Union will benefit their workplace.

  • We reach out and speak with as many workmates as possible, learning about their concerns and exploring how Unionizing with USW can ensure your voices make a positive impact at work.

    The majority need to sign a Union card which officially indicates the group’s support for forming a Union in your workplace.

    This process is completely confidential.

    Your employer never finds out who signed a Union card.

  • When we are confident enough Union cards are signed, USW Local 1944 will file an application to certify the Union with the relevant Labour Relations Board.

    Depending on various factors, like whether your sector is regulated provincially or federally, a final vote to unionize may be required.

  • Once the result of the Union card count or Unionization vote has determined that workers have officially decided to join the USW, the relevant Labour Relations Board will notify the Union and the employer.

  • USW will support you and your coworkers as your first Union Agreement is bargained. Union members decide what to negotiate, with priorities set democratically by you.

    When the Union’s bargaining committee reaches a tentative agreement with your employer, workers vote on whether to accept it—a process called ratification. When more than 50% vote in favour, the contract is ratified.

    Members will not pay Union dues until a collective agreement is in place.


You have the legal right to Unionize your workplace.

The right to form a Labour Union is enshrined under Canadian law.

Employers may resist Unionizing efforts, so know your rights.

If they violate them during the Unionizing process, contact your USW Union Organizer immediately, outside of work hours.


The United Steelworkers is one of the largest private sector Unions in North America with more than 225,000 Unionized members in Canada alone.

United Steelworkers proudly represents hundreds of thousands of Unionized technicians and skilled workers
across numerous industries in North America

Send us a quick message – it’s completely confidential.
We’ll reach out soon to chat about a Better Way To Work.

Let’s start
